Tuesday 3 April 2018

Style Boutique 3 Play Journal: Everything Keeps Repeating

Time for another play journal since I haven't posted one for a while. First off, I just have to say that I'm really annoyed at the game because of the repeating story lines. The side story lines from the main story line like Molly and Hafsa keep reappearing for me. Even if I finish them, the story line just starts again. I've had them occur four times now! And if I don't do the story line, the girls just stand in my boutique forever and no other customers come in. I've progress at least two years into the game and now that's all I'm getting. Now I remember this is just the reason why I stopped playing New Style Boutique (Trendsetters). It was because I couldn't get anyone else to visit my boutique. I haven't had a customer that wasn't a story line girl for a long time. It just really annoys me that I can't get normal customers anymore and kinda ruins the game for me.

Negative points aside, I invited Janice over to the boutique recently for a new outfit. Sending her a message was the only way to get someone different at the boutique. I created this stylish preppy outfit for her themed around the Flight Attendant top from Purple Moon.

Decided to change my assistants outfit recently to a cute blue girly one. I went with this look to match the current interior of my boutique. Took some photos together as well and it was the first time I've used the two person photo option. It was actually quite fun! I should really use that feature more. So my character has a pink outfit to match the pink parts of the boutique interior and my assistant has a blue outfit to match the blue parts. How cute do we look? :)

A while ago, I created some new designs. I'm saving most of those pictures for another post, but here's a cute design I created using one of the stage costumes. I really wish you could change the tassel colour as they are always yellow for some reason.


  1. Oh god I'm having that problem with the repeating stories too. WHY? WHYYYYYY? It totally ruins my moneymaking scheme. I'm trying to get the chic customers I'm missing and nobody new can ever get in the shop because these girls keep standing there!

    What I did for Elsie and Kay is "abandon" them when they need you to visit a specific location. Kay is forever at the station now and Elsie is stuck at the live music club. Unfortunately, Elsie's appointment is added to your to-do list, so every time you get to a new day you have to wait a couple seconds for that dang pen to finish writing you a reminder, but dealing with a little extra loading time is a price I don't mind paying for never having to deal with her again.

    I'm going to see if I can do the same for the other girls who keep repeating. It's not like I have a reason to visit the other locations in the game anyway so I don't mind a bunch of exclamation marks everywhere.

    I love dressing up Janice too. I don't get a lot of preppy customers in my boutique and I've come to like the preppy style more, so it's always nice when she visits.

    1. Marzi posted a guide for making money on her Style Savvy 4 blog. She suggests inviting three chic customers a day, as well working in the menswear shop. The male customers usually ask for complete outfits.

      Also, be patient. I've had the odd new customer come to my boutique after the main game. They may not be big spenders, but they do give me a chance to invite them back later.

    2. I hate the repeating stories thing because it makes the game so boring. I can't believe they took out all the fun content with fashion shows and such and now I'm stuck with repeating story lines. I find even if I clear the girls out, no one comes to my boutique anymore except for Angelique and the other idol girls once a season. I did abandon the girls multiple times but I eventually had to visit there because I wanted to use the photo studio and the to-do list thing was slowly up the process of skipping forward days to collect items. I'm just finding even when I finish the girls story line (i.e. Elsie), they literally come straight back with the same story. Ugh so frustrating, I just never go to the boutique anymore sadly.

      I wish more customers asked for preppy as it's one of my favourite styles.

      It's not so much about making money, it's more about the frustration of never having varied customers. I don't get the same customers as I used to nowadays and has turned me off doing anything in the game besides dressing my own character or using online stuff.

    3. @Micki Rae: I've actually been running my own version of the "chic ripoff scheme" for a while now. No issues there, but on Marz's list there were some chic customers I haven't bumped into yet, and what I wanted was to try to get them for efficiency's sake. I'm also compiling a list of the high rollers since some chic customers have only $3000 budgets and it's not worth messaging them.

      @Marzipanini: Reading your comment makes me think I should just not work at the boutique anymore and only go there to serve my three daily chic customers. Not to mention my shop mannequin has been collecting dust for god knows how long because I swear the Repeating Girls interfere with regular customer activity. I only play for short stints at a time, but if the to-do list starts piling up it's going to really chip away at my patience.

      I can't fathom why anyone would think that allowing the substories to repeat was a good idea. I get that maybe they thought "we have two endings for each substory so let's give the players a chance to experience both" but they really should have just left that to New Game+. Or maybe they're just trying to cover up for lack of content. I dunno. Either way it was a poor design choice. It really sucks because it's sapping out whatever customer variety and requests were left in the game.

      Hopefully the devs have listened to feedback from the Japanese side and will make better choices for the next game.

    4. I love how it's called a chic ripoff scheme haha. I don't really do the money scheme thing at the moment because I'm not buying expensive items anymore.

      Yeah I just don't work there anymore because it stresses me out with nothing new happening. I prefer the customer system from Fashion Forward way more. No one really buys from the mannequin nowadays for me. I barely use it because I'm never there.

      The first time a story repeated itself I was a bit confused and by the fourth time, I was ready to throw my 3DS out the window. It definitely is a lack of content thing and they couldn't be bothered programming in a good customer system. I legit never get other customers at the moment, hopefully it might improve because I like creating the outfits.

      The game wasn't that well received in Japan so hopefully it will make the devs improve with the next game. Considering how popular Girls Mode 3 was, it's a shame the new one didn't sell as well.

    5. Hey, when you're piling on identical, most expensive chic outfits onto various customers without regard to their looking good, that's definitely a ripoff scheme! :P (I confess: I'm actually rolling in money, but I'm sort of obsessed with getting 1 million)

      I can definitely understand why it wasn't well-received in Japan. I'm still a bit sour over the intro video with Angelique performing at a fashion show, mostly because that same clip was used for promoting the game in the months leading up to release. Yes, I know I harp on this a lot, but seriously, it was misleading.

      Don't get me wrong, I love Styling Star and I definitely got my money's worth as it's provided me with 120 hours of entertainment. I was very happy with the main story, the songs and all the cool new features. However, one doesn't expect the game to start displaying its major flaws AFTER they've cleared the main content and are playing the endless postgame.

    6. Haha that's what I would do as well. There was some terrible outfits created. Especially in winter when you can layer stuff.

      I know! It was false advertising! Fashion shows was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. Even when the idol girls perform, the stage is empty and nothing like the intro shows.

      Yeah I have to agree that I've gotten my money's worth as well. I rarely buy 3DS games unless I know I'm going to get at least 50 hours out of them (plus games are stupidly expensive in Australia). It is true that the flaws come out once you clear the main story line. It's almost like they forgot to add content in haha.
